Environmental Consulting Services

We provide environmental consulting services tailored to your specific needs, helping you meet your environmental commitments.


Environmental Impact Assessments

pagelines  Collecting a wide range of data in both aquatic and terrestrial environments to support our conclusions about the impacts of development
pagelines Performing baseline studies to assess the environmental conditions onsite before development begins
pagelines Applying geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies to visualize potential impacts from project development
pagelines Wetland Assessment Impact Reports
pagelines Historical wetland permanence assessments
pagelines Biophysical Impact Assessments

Risk Assessment

“globe” Environmental Assessments
“globe” Asbestos and Lead Management
“globe” Indoor Environmental Quality
“globe” Facility Water Management
“globe” Compliance Services
“globe” Facility Decommissioning and Redevelopment
“globe” Remediation Services

Impact Assessment of Pollutants

“globe” Sampling
“globe” Characterization of contaminants in sediments being bioavailability the main issue
“globe” Chemical analysis
“globe” Biological analysis
“globe” Effect directed analysis and toxicity

Monitoring Programs

“search” Inspection and sampling
“search” Investigation operations to locate the source of contaminated flows
“search” Frequent monitoring of known discharges

Terrestrial Services

“soil” Database searches and desktop studies
“soil” Habitat classification and assessment
“soil” Wetland classification and compensation planning
“soil” Avian surveys and nest searches
“soil” Ungulate surveys

GIS and Mapping

“map” We provide state-of-the-art mapping and spatial analysis services that add value to your environmental data.
“map” With expertise in remote sensing, GIS, and data management, our specialists develop datasets and analyses that allow you to observe and understand key environmental features of your project.
“map” We gather and analyze geospatial and satellite Earth observation data to extract levels of information to highlight patterns and relationships useful for your project, such as terrain, land cover, water resources, and sensitive habitats.

Fish Habitat Assessment

“frog” Standardized fish and fish habitat inventory at stream to watershed levels
“frog” Stream, lake and wetland surveys and classification
“frog” Stream crossing assessments
“frog” Fish sampling (electrofishing, snorkel surveys, spawner surveys, aging structures, genetics)
“frog” Total abundance estimates (mark/recapture, 3 pass removal)
“frog” Spawning surveys (habitat assessment, redd surveys, spawner counts, fry emergence)
“frog” Modelling (habitat suitability, stream classification, fish distributions)
“frog” Impact assessment and mitigation planning
“frog” Habitat compensation plans and designs (channel, instream features, riparian planting)


“fish” Enviro Management offers comprehensive fisheries services to meet the growing needs of our clients. Our team can design and implement fisheries programs for a wide range of projects including industrial development, oil and gas, construction, research, and environmental impact assessments.
“fish” Fish surveys, including presence and distribution surveys
“fish” Fish passage evaluations
“fish” Fish population estimation
“fish” Freshwater, estuarine, and marine fish habitat mapping

Climate Change

“sun” Designing, implementing, monitoring, and auditing projects that aim to address the effects of climate change
“sun” Assessing vulnerability to climate change and analyzing projects’ ability to address it
“sun” Conducting carbon stock assessments, which inventory the amount of carbon in a forest ecosystem as an initial step in understanding its potential role in climate change mitigation
“sun” Improving weather monitoring programs to enhance the accuracy of regional climate data
“sun” Modeling a range of climate change scenarios to determine their effects on a region’s unique environmental situation

Data Mining and Analysis

“data” Environmental Monitoring Data — the volume of data generated during field studies can be cumbersome without a well-planned data management system. Through the development of field data sheets, electronic spreadsheet templates, and specialized database structures, Enviro Management has streamlined the collection, storage, and analysis of monitoring data. Such data management techniques have improved efficiency in data analysis, report generation, and electronic reporting to regulatory agencies. Data management systems can be tailored to field programs in soil and groundwater studies, fisheries, benthos, surface water and sediment quality investigations, and toxicological assessments.
“data” Geographic Information Systems — environmental data interpretation can be enhanced with the use of geographic information systems (GIS). The ability to visualize and compare different types of data (e.g., land use, water quality, fisheries) allows environmental managers to “see” the extent of environmental effects or potential resource use conflicts. A standard tool in the forestry and planning sectors, GIS technology is gaining popularity for the management and analysis of environmental data.

Surface Water Restoration

“layer” Invasive vegetation removal and treatment
“layer” Native vegetation planting
“layer” Restoration site maintenance
“layer” Erosion Control
“layer” Debris removal
“layer” Water quality testing

Biochemical Analysis of Sediment

“bio” Chemical analyses of sediment
“bio” Biological analyses of sediment
“bio” Sampling

Watershed Modeling

“water” Watershed level fish and fish habitat inventories
“water” Modelling species distributions, habitat values and sensitivities
Identifying fish species presence, distribution, habitat requirements and life history timing
“water” Identifying spawning areas, timing and flow requirements (as a percentage of mean annual flows)
“water” Mapping sub-watershed areas
“water” Establishing management objectives and strategies for watershed and sub-watershed areas
“water” Identifying suitable monitoring indicators and developing monitoring programs
“water” Community workshop hosting and steering committee representation

Ecosystem Modeling

“globe” Describe the structure and function of an ecosystem
“globe” Food web models including physiological, spatial and environmental processes
“globe” Models which include marine mammal predation in fish stock assessments

Sediment Diagenesis Modeling

“chart” Describing the system’s complexity in all details and using a manageable set of reactions with known or obtainable parameters such as equilibrium and rate constants
“chart” Identify the critical processes that regulate dissolved oxygen levels in the hypolimnion of the mesotrophic

Eutrophication Modeling in Lakes

“chart” Eutrophication of lakes and rivers is caused primarily by inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen
“chart” Accelerated eutrophication can render a water body unusable for many uses, from fishing to swimming to drinking water
“chart” Point source pollution comes predominately from industrial sources and wastewater treatment plants

Acres Conserved
Solar Power

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